Monday, January 28, 2008

The Newest Fantasy

sparks explode underneath my eyelids,
while shattering thoughts shatter like shrapnel:
a new fantasy is upon us;
the newest fantasy.

you ancient men and your romances can keep,
to the pleasure domes and texts to the ocean's deep,
a new overflow has begun,
the newest fantasy.

this sacred stream flows like my thoughts,
out out of the tower blasts like ink,
blotting the page alongside the written word,
the newest fantasy.

no longer can my instinctual desires,
hold back any longer as all cascades,
outside of any man's natural realm,
and it all rises, falls, climaxes and sinks,
into the newest fantasy.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

other shattering evidene of thought

there is a low moan on the wind,
as the window panes threaten invasive actions
while i sleep.

there is a low moan on the wind,
ponder on sentences
(written about ghosts searching for somewhere to finally rest)
while i sleep.

there is a low moan on the wind,
there is no disorder, nothing out of place; the ash is in the tray,
while i sleep, my fingers stain
as i smoke one last fag.

the ghosts wander the streets.
a search is no different from a dream:
(we just look for things we want or need).

while i sleep,
the ghosts roam, the window smashes in with their windy moans:
but there is other shattering evidence of thought.